What causes snoring is a question that more people should be asking.
If you want to know how to reduce snoring to zero, see below.
Why? Well first of all, snoring is the most common symptom of the dangerous sleep disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea.
Second, it's been reported that anywhere from 45 to 60% of adults snore occasionally...and 25% of these adults are chronic snorers. (Which means a heck of a lot of couples are sleeping in separate bedrooms...or wearing earplugs for snoring.)
Third, loud snoring not only disrupts the bed partner's sleep, it also repeatedly disturbs the sleep of the snorer. The person who snores will not remember awakening throughout the night. Yet this fragmented sleep will lead to daytime sleepiness—a common cause of dozing off at the wheel of a car.
And fourth, estimates are that 70% of the people referred to sleep clinics snore. (Maybe I should send my dog Cody to a clinic...he snores like a drunken sailor!)
The causes of snoring come from a variety of things, as you'll see below. However, the actual mild or loud sounds of snoring are due to vibrations of the soft tissues at the back of the mouth or throat.
Soft tissues are composed of the following:
Snoring is mainly due to vibrations of the soft palate and uvula.
Snoring occurs when the upper airway passage at the back of the mouth becomes somewhat restricted. This happens because when you lie down to sleep, the muscle tone in the back of the throat...including the tongue... begins to loosen up.
As muscles relax, the tongue will ease itself to the back of the throat, causing restricted airflow, and hence, snoring vibrations as a person breathes in and out.
Snoring tends to be worse for people who sleep on their backs.
So it's important to sleep either on your stomach or on your side, preferably your side.
Snoring in a child may be due to large tonsils and adenoids.
Also, an interesting study reported in the April 2006 journal Chest found that young infants are at a much higher risk of becoming habitual snorers if they have parents who snore. The study stated: "Among parents of the 681 children, 138 of the mothers (20%) and 315 of the fathers (46%) were reported to have HS [habitual snoring]."
In addition, these children (about one year old) who tested positive for atopy (which is the tendency to develop asthma or allergies) were also at a much higher risk of habitual snoring. And the study also found that African-American children showed a higher risk of being chronic snorers.
Severe snoring is hazardous enough for adults, especially due to the risks of sleep apnea.
But what causes snoring in children is even more important for parents to be aware of. The reason being that in sleep disorders in children, habitual snoring during childhood has been associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd), as well as decreased mental function and learning ability. Obstructive sleep apnea in children is also a concern.
In my article, Discover How to Avoid Snoring, I mention that a worn out, saggy mattress can lead to snoring.
After about seven or eight years, sometimes sooner, a mattress wears out. Getting a new mattress can help with snoring and back pain.
If you are in need of a new mattress, read my article, Maverick Mattress CEO Answers the Question, What is the Best Mattress? It shows you what mattress stores don't want you to know.
And I also show you where to get a luxury mattress at a steep discount.
How would you like to know how to reduce snoring so it disappears like an ice cube on a hot day?
Thought so.
Listen, if you or your partner has to sleep on the couch every night, let’s change that.
This weird little piece of plastic you see to your right has changed thousands of people’s lives. It was created by a dentist and sleep researcher at the University of Calgary.
The darn thing actually works. Not only as a snoring cure, but also to reduce sleep apnea symptoms. All the proof you need to prove this to yourself is on their website.
They even have a video on how to use it, information on how it was created, and how you can try it risk free for 30 days.
If you really want to know how to reduce snoring and have tried everything else, and nothing worked, this will be like finding gold nuggets in a stream bed.
Why does it work? I’ll give you a big clue. It’s designed to pull your tongue out of the way so it doesn’t block your breathing.
It’s so logical, why didn’t anyone think of this before?
I just showed you above what the human mouth looks like. It’s easy for the tongue to block airflow into the lungs when you are sleeping. The Good Morning Snore Solution prevents that.
Now that you know what causes snoring, why not do something about it and get a good night's sleep for a change? Here’s the link to see what the Good Morning Snore Solution is all about.
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Why Getting Help With Snoring Saves Lives (A Sleep Chat Back Issue)
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