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Drugs in Drinking Water/April 27 is Medication Disposal Day April 26, 2013 |
Tips, news, and resources on sounder sleep, natural health, and financial success. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to it on To manage your subscription, please go to the bottom of this page. In Today's Chat1. Today's quote: The Physician's Oath2. Medications in Residential Drinking Water 3. April 27 is Medication Disposal Day 4. Am I Against Pharmaceutical Drugs? 5. Two Excellent and Important Books About Drug Companies Today's Quote: The Physician's Oath“I swear by Apollo Physician, by Asclepius, by Health, by Panacea, and by all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment, this oath and this indenture...“I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to injury and wrongdoing. Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course... “In whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrongdoing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman...” —Hippocrates, the father of western medicine, 460-377 B.C Medications May Be Contaminating Your Residential Drinking WaterOne of the unfortunate consequences of the pharmaceutical companys' massive and greedy campaigns to get everyone in the world hooked on drugs is this: For years these drugs have been leaching into the ground and showing up in residential drinking water.That's right. You may be drinking your neighbors' insomnia medications or high blood pressure medications or who knows what else. If you're thinking, “My water comes from a water treatment plant and is safe,” you would be mistaken. If these medications—both prescription medications and otc medications (over the counter)—get poured down the sink or dumped in the toilet, they end up in rivers and streams. They then flow downstream and contaminate your community's drinking water. Most water treatment plants are not equipped to handle the removal of medications. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) calls these water contaminants PPCPs. That stands for Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products. Even drugs and hormones given to farm animals to fatten them up are destroying the environment and polluting our waterways. You can read more about PPCPs on the website of the EPA by clicking here. (All links on this page will open a new window.) One other thing too. Don't throw your medications, as is, in the trash either. So how are you supposed to dispose of medications? Read on...
April 27: An Important Day For Disposing of Medications ProperlyEvery year on April 27, here in the United States, is National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. You can take any unwanted or expired medications to Drug Take-Back Events.The events run from 10am to 2pm. These are places that will take those drugs off your hands and dispose of them properly. To learn more about this, here are two links. The first is the Office of Diversion Control. You can locate a drug collection site near you by simply entering your zip code. It was easy. I found one not too far from my home.
Here's the link for the collection sites.
Please note if you are viewing this email as a text instead of HTML, you may need to copy and paste this web address into your browser window. Here's the link for that file. Am I Against Pharmaceutical Drugs?I like the lady who owns the local health food store. Good products. Helpful information.She tells me there's a small army of people coming in looking for alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs. Last time I was in there we got to chatting about alternative medicines versus prescription drugs. I made the comment that modern medicine is controlled by drug companies. She said, “Oh, so you're against pharmaceutical drugs, eh?” “No,” I said. “These drugs have a time and place.” For example, about seven years ago...the last time I got sick with something...I had the worst lung-burning cough I ever had. I was swigging down cough syrup like a wino with a forty-dollar bottle of Cabernet. I just think drugs are often given to people when they do not need them. Loads of these drugs have no long-term testing. And they kill somewhere around 150,000 people in the United States every year because of medicine side effects. Doctors...maybe your doctor...receive financial compensation from Big Pharma for whipping out their prescription pads for every little scratch under the sun. This compensation often totals hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and gifts. At my last physical, in the waiting room, were five people: Me, a lady paying her bill, and three drug company salespeople (from three different companies) waiting to make their big pitch. By the way, I also think many natural alternatives to drugs are not effective. Or at least they haven't been tested to see how effective they really are.
So, just to be clear, I'm glad there are drugs. I'm also glad there are alternatives. And if you would like to know more about how drug companies really operate, see the next section. Two Excellent and Important Books About Drug CompaniesI happen to be extremely interested in knowing what is happening to modern medicine. In particular, why it is controlled by giant drug companies.If you would like to know more about this too, here are two books that will make your blood boil. First, The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us And What To Do About It. This book was written by Marcia Angell, M.D. She was the former editor in chief of The New England Journal of Medicine. A big thanks to this doctor for pulling back the curtain and exposing what the drug companies are up to. How does this one grab you: Did you know the drug companies actually invent diseases, as in, they just make them up out of thin air? They then tell people they need prescription drugs to treat those “diseases?” The second book will blow out some of your brain cells with anger and astonishment. It's called, Our Daily Meds: How the Pharmaceutical Companies Transformed Themselves into Slick Marketing Machines and Hooked the Nation on Prescription Drugs, by Melody Petersen. She wrote about the pharmaceutical industry for four years as a reporter for The New York Times. Wow. What a book. There's even a discussion about sleeping pills and the marketing of Ambien. If this book doesn't make you want to get super healthy and off the meds, I don't know what will. You can get these books over at Amazon. The following links are for the actual books but you can get them in Kindle version if you prefer.
There is evidence that some ingredients in drinking water may be involved in the onset of Alzheimer's disease. I'll have to get that information over to you when I get a chance. Until then, I'm outta' here. Life is a journey. Keep exploring. Rich Rich Silver What comments would you like to make about today's newsletter? What other topics would you like me to chat about in my emails? Just reply to this e-zine and give me your thoughts. Feel free to forward this email to any friends, family, or associates you think would enjoy its contents. I appreciate it. If someone DID forward this to you, and you wish to subscribe, here's where you sign up. As my thanks to you for subscribing, you'll be given a 223-page dream e-book, as well as two e-books that can help you increase your you sleep better at night. My privacy pledge: I never sell, trade, rent, or share your email address with anybody. Not at any time, not for any reason. Nothing in this email should be considered personalized legal, financial, or medical advice. Always consult with your own advisors and health care professionals for your own personal needs. Some of the links in this email may go to companies with which I have an affiliate and financial relationship. None of the statements in this email have been evaluated by the FDA. This email is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. |
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